Beltane Event On Now!!!

Celtic Heroes is a free to play 3D MMORPG developed by One Thumb Mobile and is available for iOS devices.
Celtic Heroes is on its third update and with Update 3 has experienced significant graphical improvements using new graphical engine. Other changes include additional realms to explore, added enemies to challenge, and player-versus-player (PVP) gameplay.
Within PVP areas players can compete against a friend or others in one on one Duels or against a multiple enemies in the Arena. You can grind for levels in the new "Otherworld" realm. Meet new friends, from around the world and learn new things about Celtic History.
Experience Celtic History like never before and fight to survive! Help the people of all the realms and make friends whilst doing so! Embark on your journey and become a One and only Celtic Hero!
Editors Note: Hey guys, this is ArkD3vastat3r from the world Crom, And seeing how there are no good wikis out there providing enough info or help, I decided to make as complete of a wiki as I can. If there is any Suggestions to make this wiki better, Or have any info I do not, please message me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I will try to provide videos, drops, pictures, and almost everything there is in-game. You can also contact me through my soon-to-be-made Messenger and provide me with ideas or anything. Any info or pictures provided to me will have special recognition of the one who gave me it, or if preferred, can remain anonymous. Rare Monsters and drops of all kinds are highly appreciated. Please provide proof of drop, and monster locations, picture is extremely recommended. Also a rating will be highly appreciated, it is located next to the edit button and allows me to change or alter content to the benefit of viewers. I will be working more and be providing more accurate pages shortly.